Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Evaluation Letter

Dear Dr. Cynthia Haynes,

I'm a student in Ashley Lusk's English 103 laboratory. She was a very effective and personable teacher. I felt that I could approach her about anything. She was very strict about missing more than two days of her class, but it did keep me coming every week. I'm glad I did. The projects we did were not hard and were a lot of fun. There were times when the homework/projects for this class, however, seemed to take up a lot of time. I just wish we could have done some of the work in class. I didn't use the handbook given to us that often, but when I did, it was very helpful. I used it mostly for my projects and papers, and I'll probably continue to use it for papers in other classes. As far as the class and lab goes, I think that they should stay separate classes. The two had little to do with each other, but the two classes contributed in its own important way. I learned more information than I thought I would. I just hope that it stays with me all four years here.


Mia Alphonso

Cinquain (growth as a writer)


I cannot tell.

But others can.

Read what I have written

Before and After differ much

I’ve grown.

Haiku (end of the year)

Sleep is not my friend

He stays away with good reason

I’ll win Him back soon

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Short Story

The Past Untold

Yes, Little Red Riding Hood was a sweet, innocent little girl in the books, but what people don’t know is that she was a demon child. Her mother made the red hood for her because there was no color that better suited her devilish ways. Although she caused the most drama in the cottage, she was still the favorite daughter. O yeah, Little Red Riding Hood had a sister. A girl just 2 years older than her and about 30 pounds heavier. She kept her face in every fresh batch of blueberry muffins her mother used to cook so the family thought it was only right to call her by her nick name: Big Bertha Blue.

Now Big Bertha Blue may not have been the cuter of the two, but she was smarter and much sweeter. However, sometimes kindness can quickly change to rage when it is taken for granted. Big Bertha Blue couldn’t stand the favoritism, so she met with someone to help get rid of her problem. One day, while getting wood for the cottage, she ducked off into the eeriest, darkest part of the woods to seal the deal.

They call him Woolfe with two O’s and an E. He was the only person who could wipe Little Red Riding Hood off the face of “Childhood Planet”. The wolf was successful at, not only eating her beloved sister, but eating her grandmother as well. The mother was devastated at the news, but Big Bertha Blue silently rejoiced behind her mother’s tears.

If only someone would have told Big Bertha Blue that Little Red Riding Hood would become legendary for her death.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Visual Rhetoric on Campus

I have always been a little skeptical about coming to Clemson for school. I couldn't see myself going here for different reasons. Before I really met anyone here, I tried to find a place that made me feel comfortable and serene. So, I took a walk around campus to check it out, and I fell in love with the reflection pool in front of the library. It was lit up by the library, the fountains were on, and the trees dressed it perfectly. I was taken aback by how peaceful it was. I called my mom and told her that I found my new favorite place on campus.
I've never actually liked going into a library until I got here. It's so big and, well, bright. I couldn't understand how people spent hours upon hours in there until I found out for myself. I was in the library until 4 o'clock in the morning writing a paper, and I couldn't feel it at all. The library is like Clemson's little New York: it never sleeps. With its white walls, bright lights, and high ceilings you can never "catch any Zs". The endless rows of books and countless computers instills a sense of business and work. However, if you need a break, Java City and the lounge areas encourages "me" time. Now, I love having an excuse to go the library and not feel like a nerd.