Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Evaluation Letter

Dear Dr. Cynthia Haynes,

I'm a student in Ashley Lusk's English 103 laboratory. She was a very effective and personable teacher. I felt that I could approach her about anything. She was very strict about missing more than two days of her class, but it did keep me coming every week. I'm glad I did. The projects we did were not hard and were a lot of fun. There were times when the homework/projects for this class, however, seemed to take up a lot of time. I just wish we could have done some of the work in class. I didn't use the handbook given to us that often, but when I did, it was very helpful. I used it mostly for my projects and papers, and I'll probably continue to use it for papers in other classes. As far as the class and lab goes, I think that they should stay separate classes. The two had little to do with each other, but the two classes contributed in its own important way. I learned more information than I thought I would. I just hope that it stays with me all four years here.


Mia Alphonso

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